Medical business

Medical business

Form of mastering the main professional educational program: full-time
The standard term for mastering the basic educational program in the specialty
09120100 Medical practice qualification "Paramedic":

  • on the basis of general secondary education - 2 years 10 months.
  • on the basis of basic education - 3 g. 10 months.

Qualification characteristics of the graduate.
The graduate must be ready for professional activity as a paramedic to provide medical diagnostic, medical care to patients in medical and preventive health care institutions and social protection institutions.
A graduate has the right to hold the positions of a paramedic, a nurse.

The main activities of the graduate:
Medical and diagnostic:

  • medical and diagnostic assistance to patients and examination of their temporary disability, carried out independently within the limits of professional competence, when working at paramedic and obstetric stations, stations (departments) emergency medical services located in rural areas;
  • medical care for patients carried out jointly with a doctor when working at stations (departments) emergency medical services and medical health centers located in the city;
  • medical care for patients, carried out as prescribed by a doctor, when working in hospitals, dispensaries, outpatient clinics and other healthcare institutions;
  • diagnosis and management of physiological pregnancy, if necessary, reception of uncomplicated childbirth, assessment of the condition of the newborn, care for the newborn and the maternity hospital;
  • medical assistance to the population in extreme situations, conditions of epidemics, in centers of mass destruction;
  • participation in the medical examination of the population carried out in order to diagnose diseases in the early stages and latent diseases;
  • patronage of dispensary groups of the population at home with the implementation of organizational and therapeutic measures;
  • maintaining appropriate medical records.

Medical and preventive:

  • compliance with sanitary-hygienic and sanitary-epidemiological regimes at the workplace in a medical and preventive institution;
  • organization of their work taking into account the requirements of occupational health and safety and in accordance with the regulatory documents of the health system;
  • carrying out the prevention of diseases of the population;
  • sanitary and hygienic education of the population on the preservation, improvement and strengthening of health;
  • promotion of a healthy lifestyle; development of specific healthy lifestyle programs and their implementation;
  • identification of risk factors for the health of patients and their elimination.