Regulations on the activities of the Student Parliament
1. General provisions
1.1 This Regulation on the activities of the Student Parliament of the Ural
The Higher Medical College "Maksat" (hereinafter referred to as the "College") defines
the purpose, objectives, structure, procedure for the formation and organization of activities, rights and obligations of the student self—government body - the student parliament.
1.2 The Student Parliament is an initiative, independent, responsible public form of student self-government aimed at solving the most important issues of youth, developing their social activity, and supporting social initiatives.
1.3 The student self—government body — the Student Parliament is created on the initiative of College students as a permanent coordinating body to represent the interests of students and acts on the basis of these Regulations.
1.4 Each student has the right to elect and be elected to the Student Parliament in accordance with this Regulation.
1.5 The activities and decisions of the Student Parliament are directed and distributed to all students of the College.
1.6. In its activities, the Student Parliament is guided by the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education", "On State Youth Policy", other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as this Regulation, the Charter of the College, Internal Regulations, orders of the head.
2. The purpose and objectives of the Student Parliament
2.1Objective: to create conditions for successful socialization and effective self-realization of young people, as well as opportunities for students to independently solve emerging problems.
2.2 Tasks:
- realization of creative activity and amateur activity of students;
- assistance in protecting the rights and interests of students, including in solving educational, social and other issues affecting their interests;
- assistance to the College management in solving educational and scientific tasks, organizing leisure and everyday life of students, promoting a healthy lifestyle;
- assistance to the organization of education in the activities carried out within the framework of the educational and educational process;
- carrying out work aimed at a patriotic attitude to the spirit and traditions of the College, increasing the consciousness of students and their demands on the level of their knowledge, fostering a careful attitude to property;
- informing students about the activities of the College;
- participation in the formation of public opinion about youth as a real force and strategic resource for the development of Kazakhstan society;
- assistance in the implementation of socially significant youth initiatives.
3. Structure of the Parliament
3.1 The leader of the Student Parliament is the President, who is elected by the College students.
3.2 The President and members of the Student Parliament are elected for a term of one academic year in September.
3.3 The Student Parliament consists of the President, his deputies, leaders and members of factions of the Student Parliament. If necessary, by the decision of the Student Parliament, members of the student Parliament from among the students are additionally elected to its composition. The election of members of the student Parliament is carried out at meetings of study groups.
4. Activities of the Student Parliament
4.1 The activities of the Student Parliament at the College are coordinated by the Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs (hereinafter — KDM) of the educational organization, who is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks and functions assigned to the student Parliament.
4.2 President of the Student Parliament:
- manages the activities of the Student Parliament and is personally responsible for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it and the exercise of its functions;
- distributes responsibilities among his deputies, faction leaders and coordinates their activities;
- in the performance of his duties, he enjoys the rights granted by the management of the College.
The Student Parliament submits to the management for approval the Regulations on the activities of the Student Parliament of the College.
The supreme body of the student Parliament is the general assembly of faction leaders.
The planning of the activities of the Student Parliament is carried out on the basis of the College's work plan.
The President of the Student Parliament participates in the work of all collegiate bodies of the College.
The Student Parliament communicates with State and non-governmental organizations.
The Student Parliament interacts with the teaching staff in order to effectively fulfill the tasks facing the College.
The main form of student parliament management is project management as a universal technology of effective mechanism management.
Directions of project activity of the Student Parliament: environmental, volunteer, intellectual, sports, debate, artistic and aesthetic, musical and other creative projects.
To implement the project activities of the student Parliament, project offices are being created on the basis of the College.
Project offices coordinate:
- project activity of the student parliament factions during the year;
- election of the College President;
- participation in the work of collegial bodies.
Each project includes various events, competitions, promotions, flash mobs, excursions, hikes, tournaments, etc.
4.3. The structure of the Student Parliament consists of 8 factions:
- The Zhiger debate movement faction is a voluntary association of students engaged in the development of tolerance, public speaking skills, logic, critical thinking and leadership qualities of young people. Weekly master classes and trainings on parliamentary debates in Russian and Kazakh, useful skills and mind games are waiting for you in the club.
- The faction of the club "Young Bloggers" is a new and quite popular direction of the youth movement. This is a project about youth and about youth. If you love photography, are able or want to learn how to take great pictures, as well as lead an active life on social networks, talk about college successes and achievements, then you are definitely with us.
- The faction of the Sanaly Urpak club is an anti—corruption club. The club's mission: formation of anti-corruption consciousness and anti-corruption culture in the student environment, academic integrity, improving the anti-corruption literacy of all employees and students of the college, improving the quality of education through the introduction of anti-corruption mechanisms
- The faction of the Volunteer Club "Zhurek zhyluy" is a club of like—minded people united by the desire to help and make this world kinder. If you are not indifferent to the problems of others, if you are ready to provide any possible help, if you are not indifferent to the difficulties of strangers, you have a big and kind heart — then you are one of us. We take part in socially significant campaigns, hold public actions.
Information Fraction (press service). The disclosure of students as thinkers who are able to predict their lives, the formation of a culture of business relations, business documentation skills, willingness to participate in various projects. - A fraction of sports and a healthy lifestyle. The activities of the sports sections are aimed at the development of mass student sports and the popularization of sports life. The college hosts major mass sports events, sports contests, tournaments in individual sports. Sports sections are a platform for maintaining a healthy lifestyle and involving young people in the sports field. The college has sports sections for basketball, football, volleyball, checkers, togyzkumalak and table tennis
- The fraction of culture and art (musical, artistic creativity). Formation of students' sustained interest in knowledge, creativity through concert programs, musical show programs, intellectual games, KVN.
- The faction of law and order. The goal is to create a unified system of prevention of violations among students.Maintaining order in the college. Compliance by students with cultural and hygienic requirements and the charter of the college.
5. Rights and obligations of the Student Parliament
5.1 The Student Parliament has the right to:
- participate in the development and improvement of regulations, work plans affecting the interests of College students;
- to participate in the solution of social and financial issues affecting the interests of students, including in the distribution of College funds allocated for cultural and sports events;
- participate in the consideration of issues related to violations by students of academic discipline and internal regulations of the College;
- participate in the development and implementation of a system of incentives for students for achievements in various fields of academic and extracurricular activities;
- consider and participate in the proceedings of applications and complaints of College students;
- to request and receive, in accordance with the established procedure, from the Chairman of the KDM information necessary for the activities of the student Parliament;
- take a direct part in the planning, preparation, conduct and analysis of extracurricular activities of the College;
- take part in the work of clubs created at the College.
5.2 The Student Parliament is obliged to:
- to carry out work aimed at increasing the consciousness of students and their demands on the level of their knowledge, fostering a careful attitude to College property, strengthening academic discipline and law and order in the academic building, increasing the civic consciousness of students, fostering a sense of duty and responsibility;
- to work with students on the implementation of the Charter and internal regulations of the College;
to assist the College management in organizing extracurricular activities; - promptly consider all applications and appeals of students entering the student parliament in accordance with the established procedure;
- to carry out work in accordance with the Regulations and the activity plan of the student Parliament for the academic year;
- support socially significant initiatives of students;
- to promote the creation of necessary social and living conditions, as well as conditions for study and recreation of students;
- represent and protect the interests of students before the College management, government agencies, public associations, and other organizations;
- inform the management of the educational organization about its activities.
Student Parliament Faction Leaders

Kalen Marhabat Serikbaykyzy
Deputy Presidents:

Atchibayeva Kundyz Nurlanovna

Anes Merlan Kairatovich
Faction Leaders:

Zhansarivea Angela Alikovna
Club "Conscious generation"
Medical business

Mushtubayeva Elvira Kanatkyzy
Volunteer club "warmth of the heart"
Sestrinskoe Delo

Bisengalieva Nazerke Maksotkyzy
Faction of the debate movement "Zhiger"
Medical business

Kazieva Zhuldyz Nurlybekkyzy
Young Bloggers Club
Medical business

Seitonov Arshat Abatuly
Sports and Healthy Lifestyle Fraction
Medical business

Didarov Oner Didaruly
Information Fraction (press service).

Azhgereev Muratzhan Karluly
Culture and Art Fraction
Medical business

Bulatova Saida Daurenovna
The Law and Order Faction